You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reflection on the Ecclesial Aspects of Prayer

The invocation of the name of Jesus has an eccesial aspect. In this name we meet all those who are united with the Lord and in the midst of whom he stands. In this name we can embrace all those who are enclosed within the Divine heart. To interecede for one another is not so much to plead on his behalf before God, but rather to apply to his name the name of Jesus and to unite ourselves to the intercession of our Lord himself for his loved ones.

Here we touch upon the mystery of the Church. Where Jesus Christ is there is the Church. The name of Jesus is a means of uniting us to the Church, for the Church is in Christ. In him the Church is unsullied. It is not that we seek to dissociate ourselves from the existence and the problems from the Church on earth, or to close our eyes to the imperfections and disunity of Christians. We do not wish to separate or oppose the invisible and visible aspects of the Church. But we know that what is implied in the name of Jesus is the spotless, spiritual and eternal of the Church which transcends every earthly manifestation and which no schism can destroy.

From a monk of the Eastern Church (author of The Jesus Prayer)

Posted by Carlos J. Medina

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