You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Monday, September 15, 2008

My Advise to Those Discerning a Religious Vocation

I went through the serious part of my discernment process last year. This process involved a journey towards self-knowledge in light of prayer. Yet this journey was at times a struggle because I went through periods of great uncertainty and doubt. I've learned that prayer is always a good advise. So pray. A discernment process must be a prayerful one, since it is about discovering God's calling for your life. As you discern, get involved in some parish ministry, go to Mass everyday, and once a week (or more) spend some minutes in front of the Blessed Sacrament in silence, simply waiting for Him to speak to you in your heart.

A Franciscan friar, Fr. Chuck Talley, OFM, told me that being in the discernment process can be like a snow globe. When you turn it upside down it all looks pretty chaotic, but eventually all the snow settles down. If you feel pulled in different directions, it means God has turned you upside down. But continue in prayer, and talk to different religious people and priests about how you feel, and eventually the certainty will settle in whichever vocation God is calling you to.

Carlos J. Medina

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