You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Sunday, September 7, 2008

In the Face of Great Adversity

The more I learn about St. Augustine, the more I admire him. Fr. Tom Whelan, OSA, mentioned during a homily that during the barbaric invasions of North Africa many bishops and priests fled the area along with those who had the means to do so. Augustine, even though he could have fled, decided to stay because the sheep of his local Church would be left without a pastor. He writes in his own words:

"When danger is common to all, that is, for Bishops, clerics and lay people, may those who need others not be abandoned by the people whom they need. In this case, either let all depart together to safe places or let those who must remain not be deserted by those through whom, in things pertaining to the Church, their necessities must be provided for; and so let them share life in common, or share in common that which the Father of their family appoints them to suffer... Such conduct is especially the proof of love" (Ep 228, 2).

Carlos J. Medina

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