You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Thursday, March 18, 2010

He and we together are the whole man

In a lecture on Augustine, The Holy Father explains that, "The human being, Augustine stresses later in De Civitate Dei (XII, 27), is social by nature but antisocial by vice." This resonates with the fact that most people live in cities, towns, etc., and yet, it is usually in the cities, or largest congregations of people where crime is highest.

He goes on to explain that outside God's outpouring love in Jesus Christ, "no one has been set free, no one will be set free" (De Civitate Dei, X, 32, 2). Through acceptance of that love by choosing to unite ourselves with Jesus that we grow into the human beings God intended us to be:

"As the one Mediator of salvation Christ is Head of the Church and mystically united with her to the point that Augustine could say: "We have become Christ. For, if he is the Head, we, the members; he and we together are the whole man" (In Iohannis evangelium tractatus, 21, 8)."

-Carlos J. Medina

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