You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Blessed Jospehine Mary of Saint Agnes

Today we celebrate the memorial of our Augustinian sister Josephine Mary of Saint Agnes. Josephine Teresa was the name which a poor but honorable couple chose for the daughter who born to them on 9 January 1625 in the village of Beniganim near Valencia, Spain. On 25 October 1643, when she was eighteen years of age, Josephine entered the Augustinian convent in her hometown as a lay sister and received the name Josephine Mary of Saint Agnes. Her sisters in religion more commonly knew her as Mother Iñez. Though she had a minimal formal education, she possessed a gift of counsel and a noteworthy understanding of theological matters. Because of this, as well as a remarkable gift of spiritual discernment, her advice, was sought by some of the most important and influential people of Spain.

Josephine died on the feast of her patroness, Saint Agnes, 21 January 1694. The archdiocese of Valencia initiated the examination of her cause for beatification that resulted in her beatification on 26 February 1888 by Pope Leo XIII. Her confessor, Father Philip Benevent, the pastor of Beniganim, wrote an authoritative biography of Blessed Josephine Mary. The body of Blessed Mother Iñez rests in the convent which was her home for more than half a century.

Rotelle, John, Book of Augustinian Saints, Augustinian Press 2000

Posted by Carlos J. Medina

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