You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Faith as a weapon against fear

Some time ago I came across this thought-provoking quote by Bertrand Russell: "Those who do not fear their neighbors see no necessity to tyrannize over them." It seems to me that Russell perhaps is right in pointing to fear as one of the causes of violence. How many acts of violence, from the authoritarian head of the household, to the realm of world politics, are actually rooted in insecurity and fear? Perhaps too many.

Fear is a reality. Yet, I believe we are not subject to how we deal with it. As Christians, with the gift of faith, our goal must be to act with the courage to anticipate others in kindness, especially towards those we do not like. And we must pray for the gift of living in forgiveness.

"Few men will dare to go where no one wants to go. If we have faith in God, we must have faith in men. Even the most evil among us has some redeeming feature. Faith will seek it out." - Catherine Doherty

Posted by Carlos J. Medina

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