You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Questions to Ponder

If you are discerning your vocation, you might find prayerful meditation on these questions helpful:

When do I feel fully alive? What things, events, activities, etc., make me feel that life is really worth living, that it's great to be me, and to be alive?

What do I do well? What have I to contribute to the life of others? What skills do I have?

What things do I need to learn to do better?

What wishes could I be turning itno plans? Any dreams I've discarded as unrealistic that I could start dreaming again?

What would I do with my life if I knew that everything would turn out perfectly?

Posted by Carlos J. Medina
Questions posed by Don Loskot, SDS, PhD in a lecture on transitions.

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