You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Beauty of Creation Bears Witness to God

Question the beauty of the earth,
the beauty of the sea,
the beauty of the wide air around you,
the beauty of the sky;
question the order of the stars,
the sun whose brightness lights the day,
the moon whose splendour softens the gloom of night;
question the living creatures that move in the waters,
that roam upon the earth, that fly through the air;
the sirit that lies hidden, the matter that is manifest;
the visible things that are ruled,
the invisible that rule them,
question all these.
They will answer you:
'Behold and see, we are beautiful.'
Who made these beautiful changing things,
if not One who is beautiful and changeth not?

From the poem Saint Augustine by Joseph Mary Plunkett

Posted by Carlos J. Medina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you left out the p in "spirit"

that's one of my favorite poems
I think it can convert people
who love nature and want to know God better through that kind of evidence (Intelligent Design theory)