You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Monday, February 16, 2009

Blessed Simon of Cascia

Simon was born in Cascia, Italy, about the year 1295, and entered the Augustinian Order in his youth. Initially he dedicated himself to the study of the natural sciences, but later gave up this interest to devote all of his energy to purely religious concerns. He became a renowned preacher with a reputation that attracted large crowds wherever he spoke. His words had a powerful effect on the social and public affairs of his day, though personally his preference was always for a life of solitude, prayer, and study. Simon was also a much sought after master of the spiritual life who consequently became a prolific letter writer as well, spending many of his nights engaged in the spiritual guidance of others by correspondence.

His love for simplicity and gospel poverty was evident in his style of life as much as in his preaching and writing. He continually avoided every position of authority both inside and outside the Order, and is known to have severely reprimanded a friend who had been influential in having him nominated for a bishop's see. He considered religious obedience, however, as the greatest of all virtues, provided that it was not in opposition to the demands of charity.

Simon was also an accomplished theologian and excellent student of sacred scripture. His most important writing, The Works of Our Savior (De Gestis Domini Salvatoris), is, in fact, a life of Christ written almost entirely as a commentary on scriptural passages. His other more popular work, The Order of the Christian Life, is an invitation to a more perfect conformity to Christ, and is considered one of the first writings in the Italian language.

Here's an excerpt:

"While Jesus was surrounded by a large crowd because of the many miracles he performed and because of his gentle doctrine, he, the lover of solitude, again withdrew to a secluded place where, after being useful to his neighbor, he could freely return to prayer and contemplation.

It is a good, indeed necessary, thing for people who are much embattled to take refuge from the fray within themselves, to cultivate themselves, and in their innermost, care-filled hearts to fix their gaze on the divine realities and ask God for what is essential for the guidance and progress of all people. In this way they help with silent prayer those whom they have instructed in the faith, to give them the power to understand, so that the word of God may not fall on the empty air."
(De gestis Domini Salvatoris IV, 7.)

Simon died in Florence during the great plague of 1348, on 2 February 1348. His remains, however, were later transferred to Cascia, where they were originally kept in the church of Saint Augustine. More recently, they have been preserved in the Basilica of Saint Rita, where they are now venerated in a crypt chapel. The Augustinian Family celebrates Blessed Simon's feast on 16 February.

Posted by Carlos J. Medina

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