St. Augustine of Hippo was born in 354 A.D. in the country that is now Algeria. He had a restless and troubled early life. He searched for truth and happiness, but could not find them. After his conversion (387 A.D.) he set aside his promising career in the world and decided to serve God together with his friends. He returned to North Africa where he and his friends lived a community life based on the example of the early Church as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. As the ideals of Augustine's community became better known, this way of life produced many brothers to serve the Church.
The foundation of Augustinian life is brothers living common life together united in charity. By God's grace, they strive to serve one another and to grow in appreciating the values of the human person. Augustinians work with all their energy for the benefit of the community, possess nothing as their own but live for the common good.
The purpose of the Order consists in this: that together, with one heart in brotherhood and spiritual friendship, the members seek and worship God. They labor in the service of the people of God. As the rule of St. Augustine states, "This is the primary reason why we have come together, that we may live in harmony and be of one mind and heart, intent upon God." This unity of hearts is made possible through an intimate union with Christ in His body which is the Church.
The purpose of the Order consists in this: that together, with one heart in brotherhood and spiritual friendship, the members seek and worship God. They labor in the service of the people of God. As the rule of St. Augustine states, "This is the primary reason why we have come together, that we may live in harmony and be of one mind and heart, intent upon God." This unity of hearts is made possible through an intimate union with Christ in His body which is the Church.
In this blog you will find events in the life of an Augustinian friar, preaching, events of our province, and more! If you are drawn by our Augustinian ideal and feel that God may be calling you to share our life, then we urge you to take His invitation very seriously.
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