You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Prayer of Repentance

Merciful Father help me see myself in your truth. Clothed in your son, may your Spirit dwell in my mind, and fill my heart. Yet help me be patient with myself in this process. Help me stay away from false images of perfection, but rejoice in hearing the music of your Spirit instead. Hold me fast, and grant me the strength to hold on to you while you take time to enlarge my heart with your love. May I never despair, but always drink of your saving hope, always trust in your promises. May repentance be a great understanding and realization where I see myself, in the Light of your Christ. In His light may I see Light so that all darkness of fear and shame may vanish. Merciful Lord, accept me in repentance, and help me accept myself as I am. Help me accept myself in my weakness, in the times when I am weary. O Holy Spirit, Give me new eyes to see that fundamentally at my deepest core I am beautiful because I am created in your image. Help me affirm myself in You my God, my friend. Lord Jesus, help me see not where I have failed, but how I can live in your love each day. May I be grateful that you are by me at every moment, instead of self-hating because of what I am not. Give me faith to see that under the ugliness that I see is the beauty you created. Take me as I am, and remind me each day that you made me beautiful. May I never forget how much I am loved, how precious I am in your eyes. Merciful Lord, accept me in repentance, and help me accept myself as I am. You who write straight on crooked lines, help me accept myself as I am, where I am at today, and give me hope that tomorrow I will have the faith to do the same. O Holy Trinity, Holy God - Beauty, Life, Love. Help me affirm myself in You my God, my friend.

Carlos J. Medina, OSA

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