You have pierced our hearts with the arrow of Your love.

St. Augustine

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


During Lent we are especially encouraged to give alms. Here are some questions to consider regarding alms-giving:

Does the way I give demean others?

Do I give myself?

Am I willing to do something beautiful for the poor?

Does my gift come as a duty, or is it out of love for Christ?

Along the lines of these questions, Tony Gittins, priest and author, suggests the following principles to apply in our daily lives:

- Never walk by the poor: walk with them, lest you walk on them.

- If your life takes you away from the poor, it is taking you away from life.

- Don't allow "the poor" to remain an abstraction. Know the names of a few poor people.

Posted by Carlos J. Medina (based on a lecture by Tony Gittins at the Inter-Community Novitiate in Techny, IL.)

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